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Level III Infraspection Institute Certified Infrared Thermographers

In professional fields, certification refers to a person’s formal training, education, and skills assessment.  Currently, there are 3 levels of certification for Infraspection Institute certified infrared thermographers: Level I introduces infrared theory, heat transfer concepts, equipment operation and selection, standards compliance, image analysis, and report generation. Level II discusses advanced infrared theory, equipment calibration, error […]

Infrared Thermography for Predictive and Preventive Maintenance

Infrared thermography for predictive and preventive maintenance has become a common tool over the past 30 years. Inspections of electrical, steam, and roof systems are part of a facility’s annual maintenance schedule and have their own budget line.

Infrared Inspections for Maritime Industry

Jersey Infrared Consultants, a leader in commercial and industrial IR Inspections, provide specialized Infrared Surveys – Infrared Inspections Maritime Industry – that meet the unique needs of the maritime industry. Common maritime applications for infrared thermography include: • Infrared Electrical System Surveys • Infrared Mechanical System Surveys • InfraSonicTM Steam Surveys • Infrared SOLAS Temperature […]

Maritime Infrared Standards and Guidelines that Apply to Maritime Infrared Surveys

Maritime Infrared Standards and Guidelines that Apply to Maritime Infrared Surveys The type of survey to be performed will determine which of the following maritime infrared standards and/or guidelines will apply.   American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT) Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-1A – Personnel Qualification and Certification in Nondestructive Testing   American Society for Testing […]

Maritime Infrared Survey

Maritime Maritime Infrared Surveys Infrared thermography is a recognized test method for condition-based monitoring and predictive maintenance. Shore-based facilities routinely perform infrared inspections to help meet regulatory requirements, reduce operating costs, improve safety, and increase efficiency. Infrared Surveys performed for the maritime industry provide these benefits for vessels, floating buildings, and offshore platforms. Common maritime […]

Roadway Worker Protection Certification

In our continuing commitment to provide an unequaled level of professionalism and service, Jersey Infrared Consultants is pleased to announce that members of our staff have completed the Roadway Worker Protection Safety Certification Course.

“9th Inning” for IR Flat Roof Moisture Surveys

There is still time to prepare your facility’s roof for winter; however, weather conditions will make completing the roof survey more challenging the closer we get to Winter. Required conditions for a successful Infrared Flat Roof Moisture Survey include the following: • Dry roof surface at sunrise • Mostly sunny day that provides good solar […]

Are Your Solar Panels Saving the Max?

Solar Panels Saving Money… The decision to install solar panels may be influenced by dollars saved through tax breaks or “Green” incentives, or the main reason . . . to lower energy costs.  Calculations are based on the payback and energy cost savings assuming that ALL solar panels are working at 100% efficiency. Typical problems […]

Your Infrared Survey Report

Infrared Survey Report… At the conclusion of an Infrared Survey, the findings should be documented in a clear, easy-to-understand report, in a written format as well as electronic. A report that complies with industry standards should include the following:

When is Hot Not a Problem?

Infrared Electrical Inspections Generally, a thermal anomaly or hot spot identified during an IR Electrical System Survey indicates a problem such as a loose connection or overloaded circuit. For some electrical components, however,high temperature operation is normal and an infrared imager can be used to help ensure that these devices are functioning properly.